Welcome to One Earth Meditation Retreat Centre
Where your #InnerJourney starts here
“Serve the Almighty by Serving Society & Humanity”
Located in Ciawi – West Java, Indonesia, One Earth Meditation Retreat Centre offers a rich varieties of programs for self empowerment, general well-being, self development, mind & body balancing, and healthy life living.
Managed by people from many different ways of life, religions, cultures and ethnic backgrounds, thus we appreciate and preserve every teaching from various religious traditions and cultures.
One Earth Meditation Retreat Centre (under the auspices of Anand Ashram Foundation) was founded by Interfaith Spiritual Humanist Anand Khrisna, PhD as a mean to withdraw oneself from one’s hectic life style, and to live contemplatively in order to evaluate, and empower oneself. While we were in the centre, we aim to use our time wisely to start our #InnerJourney to find our true self and happiness. The centre was established since 2000.
One Earth Meditation Retreat Centre is an integral part of Anand Ashram Foundation as Centre for Wellbeing and Self Empowerment, where we offer various programs to promote healthy life style and to find one’s true potential in life. Since 1991, thousands have joined and found the programs from our centres are very beneficial to help them to improve their quality of life. These programs were devised by Anand Krishna.
Since 2000, One Earth Meditation Retreat Center has witnessed and helped other various organisations dedicated to help humanity in various aspects of education such as FKJ (Forum of Awakening Soul), Institute of Holistic Health, ForADokSi BIP (Forum of Teacher, Doctor and Psychology for Motherland), etc.
The vision of One Earth Retreat Centre is to establish ONE big family of HUMANKIND living harmoniously on ONE EARTH, and under ONE SKY.
To accomplish this vision, we have mission to provide and promote an experience of Live-in, where we can fill our days with Self-Empowerment, Self-Introspective, Self-Development, Soul Enchancing thru various Inner Journey programs so that we can find our InnerPEACE, do CommunalLOVE, and GlobalHARMONY.
Ananda’s Neo Stress Management
This program is devised so that during the weekend, or just 2-3 days, one can develop his/her inner hidden potency thru stress releasing, emotion balancing, and mind revising. to remove all of the impedement that don’t support his/her self-development and self-realization, thru effective, secure and proven meditation technique trainings. This program will transform Stress to become Total Success.
Fear is something that can’t be avoided, even Fear is considered as the basic foundation of this life. Fear makes us become REACTIVE, provoking our Animal Instincts inside.
When we face a threat, otomatically, fear will appear, and spontaneouly we will act a reactive feed back action to counter any offensive-considered threat (fight), or we will run away (flight), where all animals will also do the same reaction, as observed and presented firstly by American Psycholog, Walter Bradford Cannon in the year of 1915.